Welcome to my Weight Loss Blog!

My goal is to lose 100 pounds, which essentially accounts to about half of my starting size. I want to inspire people to take on the challenge I have started. With knowing that there are people out there watching, supporting and…frankly, keeping track, there is little chance that I will wane from my goals. I am known as one of the laziest humans on earth. If I can do this, anybody can!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Much like a meal replacement bar, this is a blog replacement

I started my weight loss blog in April 2008, soon after I joined and started following the Weight Watchers plan.  I was doing well for a while, but eventually I stopped putting very much effort into it.  I never did gain all the weight back, but I was no longer trying to lose it.

But the idea was still there.  Still wanted to do it.  I had to lose 100 pounds and I had to do it soon.  I was turning 30 that summer.

Well, now I'm 31.  In April 2009 I made an appointment to see a doctor.  No horror story here, I was just tired and hungry all the time.  He basically told me there are three programs out there that tend to work for people when it comes to weight loss:  Weight Watchers, Lindora and Jenny Craig.

I'd tried the first two already.  Lindora works just fine, but you have to go every day, it's very expensive and there isn't a Lindora center near where I live or work.  Weight Watchers also works, but it's not ideal for me. Maybe a little too much freedom, not enough accountability.

That weekend, I woke up early and started reading up on how Jenny Craig works.  I decided to jump right in - called the center near my house and went in.

I signed up that day and came home with a week's worth of meals and a plan.

And it started working!

By the time Tony and I went on our vacation to London, I had already lost 16 pounds.  I'd met my goal, to comfortably fit in the airplane seat.  And my reward?  Well, I didn't know it was coming, but Tony proposed while we were in London!

And so it has continued.  Last Sunday I was at 27.2 pounds, and I've been hovering in that general area for about three or four weeks.  My goal this week is to hit that coveted 30 pound weight loss goal.  I worked out, I ate right and I am firmly committed to getting to that point!

Next short term goal is to lose 40 pounds by the end of September.  It's totally possible, I just need to stick to the exercise plan and the diet.

Anyway, this is the first post of the new blog.  I'm sorry it wasn't working out with the other one, it just got too difficult to manage (and my name is going to be changing soon, anyway.)  I'll be a bit better about this one.

The good thing about the other blog is that it let me build pages where I could post stats, goals and rewards and whatnot.  Maybe this one will allow it too, I just need to learn how.  Until then, enjoy the long weekend, everyone!

Next weigh in will be tomorrow morning at 10:35am.  I hope to come back and post some good news!

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